2882 Holly Road. Corpus Christi, TX, 78415

Monday - Friday / 8 AM to 5 PM

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Donation Total: $100

Contribute to our mission

Contribute to the Center

The Coastal Bend PRIDE Center is the first and only LGBTQIA+ community center in the Coastal Bend region for all ages and demographics, and it wouldn’t be possible without you.

In order to carry on with our mission, donations are an essential element to continue providing effective health and wellness care. With your continued support, we are able to step up and positively impact thousands of lives annually through our wellness initiatives, case management programs, peer-to-peer support groups and general events.

Whether someone is able to make a small one time contribution or sustainable and recurring gifts, all support is needed and welcomed to continue to serve the local LGBTQIA+ community. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.


Be a part of history and become a local hero. How will you leave your legacy?

Pride Plaques

PRIDE PLAQUES – $250 per pride plaque

Become a special supporter of the Coastal Bend PRIDE Center by purchasing one of a limited number of PRIDE flag plaques. Each acrylic plaque will be engraved and hung to form a PRIDE flag mounted in the PRIDE Center.

Monetary Donations

Monetary donations of cash, check or credit of any amount are welcome and can be made in person at our office or online through PayPal.

Recurring Gifts

A recurring gift has a beginning but no specific end date, and allows you to make weekly, monthly, or quarterly payments. This gift allows you to make a larger annual gift to the community center than you might make with just a single donation. Recurring gifts allow us to provide consistent programming to our community.


A pledge has specific beginning and end dates established by you, and allows you to make monthly, quarterly, or annual payments.


Take part in this campaign to build and sustain the future for our LGBTQIA+ community, and together we will celebrate, advocate, educate, and eliminate (hate).